Ribno pri Bledu, stanovanjsko turistični objekt The Millhouse Bled, na idilični legi, ob potoku
Nekoč je na tem mestu stal mlin, po katerem stavba nosi ime The Millhouse Bled, na kar spominjata dve lepo urejeni strugi potoka Ribnik (rake), ki tečeta poleg stavbe. Iz tega naslova je lastnik pridobil tudi delno vodno dovoljenje s katerim je dovoljena neposredna raba vode za pridobivanje toplote iz vodnega vira ( toplotna črpalka).
Hiša je približno 3 km oddaljena od Bleda, umeščena pa je v spodnjem delu naselja Ribno, nekoliko odmaknjena od ceste, ki se spušča do Save Bohinjke, na izredno mirni legi, ki jo v idilično lokacijo dopolnjujeta oba bistra potočka ter zelene površine in gozdno pobočje nad stavbo
Stavba je bila z uporabo kvalitetnih klasičnih materialov zgrajena leta 2009 in sicer kot stanovanjska stavba, s sobami za goste, apartmajem ter stanovanjem za lastnika stavbe.
Tako stavba obsega:
a) v pol-kletni etaži – prostorno trisobno stanovanje z večjim bivalnim prostorom, ki združuje kuhinjo, jedilnico in dnevno sobo ( 42m2), iz katere je izhod na teraso, ki služi kot letni podaljšek bivalnega prostora, mimo katre teče potok, ob bivalnem prostoru sta dve sobi in pisarna, v ostalem delu pol-kletne etaže pa so tehnični prostori - pralnica in kotlovnica, soba za biljard, kopalnica, sanitarije; skupna izmera prostorov v tej etaži znaša 141 m2, terasi ob hiši pa merita okrog 60 m2,
b) v visokem pritličju je pet sob za goste, vsaka z lastno kopalnico ter balkonom, ko sledi:
- soba št. 1 ( dve ležišči) s kopalnico v izmeri 23,60 m2 + balkon 2,40 m2,
- soba št. 2 ( dve ležišči) s kopalnico v izmeri 24 m2 + terasa 12 m2,
- soba št. 3 ( šest ležišč) s kopalnico v izmeri 22 m2 + balkon 5,4 m2,
- soba št. 4 ( šest ležišč ) s kopalnico v izmeri 17,5 m2 + balkon 4 m2,
- soba št. 5 ( štiri ležišča) s kopalnico v izmeri 17,8 m2 + balkon 6,7 m2,
tu je še shramba za čistila in hrambo ostalih pripomočkov za vzdrževanje stavbe,
c) v mansardi je izredno prostoren apartma, ki obsega odprt bivalni prostor z dnevno sobo (kot salon) večjo jedilnico ter kuhinjo, z izhodom na teraso z lepim pogledom na zelenico, potok in gozdno pobočje za hišo, sledi spalnica, večja kopalnica ter prostorna soba ( 28 m2) , ki lahko služi kot bivalni prostor ali pa soba za namestitev najmanj sedmih ležišč.
Skupaj je v stavbi okrog 400 m2 uporabne površine, balkoni in terase pa merijo okrog 90 m2,
Stavba se ogreva s toplotno črpalko po sistemu voda – voda, zato so stroški ogrevanja izredno nizki.
Stavba stoji na zemljišču v skupni izmeri 1583 m2. Pred hišo je urejeno tlakovano parkirišče za šest vozil, prostor za parkiranje pa se v primeru potrebe lahko razširi na zelenico proti jugu.
Ostalo zemljišče je urejeno kot skrbno negovana zelenica, ki poteka z obeh strani potoka, katerega prečimo po priročno izdelanih brveh - zemljišče okrog stavbe predstavlja res idealno kombinacijo za dopustovanje na urejeni zelenici, ob žuborečem potočku z lepo urejeno strugo, pod divje obraslim gozdnim pobočjem na zahodni strani posesti.
Lastnik ima sklenjeno dolgoročno pogodbo, na podlagi katere vsako leto od maja do konca septembra odda vse prostore razen lastnega stanovanja podjetju iz tujine, po primerljivi tržnih cenah za kratkoročni najem v tem okolju. Pogodbo bi lahko odstopil novemu lastniku, v kolikor bi ta imel interes nadaljevati to poslovno razmerje. Seveda pa se ta pogodba lahko takoj odpove, če takega interesa ne bi bilo.
Prodajalec pogojuje prodajo s tem, da mu kupec povrne del stroškov, ki nastanejo pri prodaji nepremičnine.
Prosimo stranke, ki jih nepremičnina zanima, da za vse informacije pokličejo našo družbo Makler Bled d.o.o., obenem pa se bomo lahko dogovorili za ogled nepremičnine. Prosimo stranke, naj ne ogledujejo nepremičnine sami, ter brez predhodne najave.
Ribno pri Bledu, residential and tourist accommodation The Millhouse Bled, in an idyllic position, next to a stream
Once upon a time, a mill stood on this site, after which the building is named The Millhouse Bled, as recalled by the two beautifully landscaped streams of the Ribnik (crayfish) brook that run alongside the building. The owner has also obtained a partial water licence which allows the direct use of water for the production of heat from a water source (heat pump).
The house is located approximately 3 km from Bled, in the lower part of the village of Ribno, slightly away from the road descending to the Sava Bohinjka, in an extremely quiet location, complemented by two clear streams, green areas and a wooded slope above the building.
The building was constructed in 2009 using quality classical materials as a residential building, with guest rooms, an apartment and a flat for the owner of the building.
The building comprises:
a) on the semi-basement floor - a spacious three-bedroom apartment with a large living area, combining kitchen, dining room and living room (42m2), from which there is an exit to the terrace, which serves as a summer extension of the living area, past which a stream flows, next to the living area there are two rooms and an office, and in the remaining part of the semi-basement floor there are technical rooms - laundry room and boiler room, billiard room, bathroom, toilets; the total size of the rooms on this floor is 141 m2, and the terraces next to the house measure about 60 m2,
b) on the high ground floor there are five guest rooms, each with its own bathroom and a balcony, where the following:
- Room No 1 (two beds) with bathroom of 23,60 m2 + balcony of 2,40 m2,
- room No 2 ( two beds) with bathroom of 24 m2 + terrace of 12 m2,
- room No 3 ( six beds) with bathroom of 22 m2 + balcony of 5,4 m2,
- room No 4 ( six beds ) with bathroom of 17,5 m2 + balcony of 4 m2,
- room No 5 ( four beds) with bathroom of 17,8 m2 + balcony of 6,7 m2,
there is also a storage room for cleaning products and other building maintenance equipment,
c) in the attic there is an extremely spacious apartment, comprising an open living area with a living room (as a lounge) a larger dining room and a kitchen, with access to a terrace with a beautiful view of the lawn, the stream and the wooded slope behind the house, followed by a bedroom, a larger bathroom and a spacious room (28 m2) which can serve as a lounge or as a room to accommodate a minimum of seven beds.
In total, the building has about 400 m2 of usable floor space, and balconies and terraces measuring about 90 m2,
The building is heated by a water-to-water heat pump, so heating costs are extremely low.
The building stands on a plot of land with a total area of 1583 m2. In front of the house there is a paved parking space for six vehicles, and the parking space can be extended to the lawn to the south if necessary.
The rest of the land is laid out as a carefully manicured lawn, running on either side of a stream, which is crossed by conveniently constructed footbridges - the land around the building really is the ideal combination for a holiday on a well-manicured lawn, beside a babbling brook with a beautifully landscaped bed, under a wildly wooded hillside on the west side of the property.
The owner has a long term contract under which he rents out all the premises, except his own apartment, to an overseas company from May to the end of September each year, at comparable market rates for short term rentals in this area. The contract could be assigned to a new owner if the new owner has an interest in continuing this business relationship. Of course, this contract could be terminated immediately if there were no such interest.
The seller makes the sale conditional on the buyer reimbursing him for part of the costs incurred in selling the property.
Interested parties are kindly requested to call our company Makler Bled d.o.o. for any information and we will be able to arrange a viewing of the property. We kindly ask our clients not to view the property on their own and without prior appointment.
Oprema nepremičnine
- Talno ogrevanje
- Radiatorsko ogrevanje
- Ogrevanje s toplotno črpalko
- Optika
- Atrij
- Balkon
- Terasa
- Shramba v kleti
- Več parkirnih mest
- Zemljiška knjiga