Bled, center - na prodaj sta dve stanovanjski enoti pred kratkim obnovljeni in preurejeni v štiri ločene enote.
Stanovanjsko-poslovna hiša se nahaja v središču Bleda, tik ob glavni avtobusni postaji. Objekt obsega pet posameznih delov (en poslovni prostor in štiri stanovanja), etažna lastnina je urejena.
Stavba je bila zgrajena leta 1787. Streha je bila zamenjana leta 1973. Stavbo obdaja ograjeno dvorišče (skupne površine etažnih lastnikov), del zemljišča je urejen kot parkirišče, na katerem enemu od stanovanj pripada parkirno mesto. Druga stanovanjska enota ima urejeno parkirišče v lastniški garaži (17,50 m2) zgrajeni leta 1965. Nad garažo se nahaja še prostorna terasa (26,80 m2), ki pripada le lastniku garaže.
Stanovanji se nahajata v istem nadstropju (1. nadstropje), ločuje pa ju le hodnik (skupna površina etažnih lastnikov).
Garsonjera obsega: bivalni prostor s posteljo in čajno kuhinjo in izhodom na balkon (4,80 m2), kopalnica z wc-jem - skupaj brez balkona 25,80 m2, poleg spada še kletna shramba v izmeri 17,30 m2.
4-sobno stanovanje obsega: tri enote, vsako s svojim vhodom na hodnik (vrata na hodnik so bila izvedena že pred desetletji, vrata, ki so prostore povezovale znotraj enote pa so bile lani zazidane), svojo kopalnico in svojo spalnico. Ena od enot ima tudi balkon, ki meri 5,50 m2. Skupna površina prostorov brez balkona in kleti 83,60 m2, klet meri 7,30 m2.
Skupnih stanovanjskih (uporabnih) površin je torej 109,40 m2, poleg spadata še dve kleti v skupni izmeri 24,60 m2, ter dva balkona in terasa v skupni izmeri 37,10 m2.
Stanovanjski enoti sta bili večji meri osveženi in obnovljeni leta 2023: izdelane nove vodovodne instalacije in nove kopalnice v vsaki od enot razen garsonjere, novi ometi, nove talne obloge, novo pohištvo. Okna so bila zamenjana leta 2000.
Stanovanji se ogrevata na lasten vir ogrevanja (včasih plin - možnost priklopa na plin, omarica na objektu), trenutno se ogreva s klimo (v vsaki od enot).
Prodajalec pogojuje prodajo s tem, da mu kupec povrne del stroškov, ki nastanejo pri prodaji nepremičnine.
Prosimo stranke, ki jih nepremičnina zanima, da za vse informacije pokličejo našo družbo Makler Bled d.o.o., obenem pa se bomo lahko dogovorili za ogled nepremičnine. Prosimo stranke, naj ne ogledujejo nepremičnine sami, ter brez predhodne najave.
Bled, centre - for sale are two residential units recently renovated and converted into four separate units.
The residential-commercial house is located in the centre of Bled, right next to the main bus station. The building consists of five individual parts (one commercial space and four apartments), the ground floor ownership is regulated.
The building was built in 1787. The roof was replaced in 1973. The building is surrounded by a fenced courtyard (common areas of the ground-floor owners), part of the land is arranged as a parking lot, on which one of the apartments has a parking space. The second residential unit has a parking space in the owner's garage (17,50 m2) built in 1965. Above the garage there is a spacious terrace (26,80 m2), which belongs only to the owner of the garage.
The two apartments are located on the same floor (1st floor), separated only by a corridor (common area of the floor owners).
The studio apartment consists of: living room with a bed and a tea kitchen with an exit to the balcony (4.80 m2), bathroom with toilet - total area without balcony 25.80 m2, in addition there is a basement storage room of 17.30 m2.
The 4-bedroom apartment comprises: three units, each with its own entrance to the corridor (the door to the corridor was built decades ago, and the door connecting the rooms within the unit was bricked up last year), its own bathroom and its own bedroom. One of the units also has a balcony measuring 5,50 m2. The total area of the premises excluding the balcony and the basement is 83,60 m2, the basement measures 7,30 m2.
The total living (usable) area is therefore 109.40 m2, plus two basements with a total area of 24.60 m2, and two balconies and a terrace with a total area of 37.10 m2.
The two residential units have been largely refreshed and renovated in 2023: new plumbing and new bathrooms in each of the units except the studio apartment, new plaster, new floor coverings, new furniture. Windows replaced in 2000.
The apartments are heated by their own heating source (sometimes gas - possibility of connection to gas, cupboard on the premises), currently heated by air conditioning (in each of the units).
Oprema nepremičnine
- Klima
- Ograjeni vrt
- Balkon
- Terasa
- Shramba v kleti
- Garaža
- Pokrit parkirni prostor
- Dve parkirni mesti
- Zemljiška knjiga
V bližini
- Magični Teater Jaba - Daba - Du 239 m
- Muzej Na Blejskem Gradu 458 m
- Lekarna Bled 1,2 km
- Lekarna Zalog 1,8 km
- Vpd d.o.o. 1,8 km
- Prešernova Rojstna Hiša 3,7 km
- Gorenjske lekarne, Lekarna Lesce 3,8 km
- Zdravstvena Postaja Žirovnica 4,2 km
- Gorenjske lekarne, Lekarniška podružnica Žirovnica 4,3 km
- Finžgarjeva Rojstna Hiša 4,3 km