Ste v iskanju idealnega prostora za uresničitev svojih sanj o izgradnji novega doma?
Na prodaj je čudovito zazidljivo zemljišče v mirnem delu Šentvida, velikosti 615 m². To je idealna priložnost za vse, ki si želite ustvariti svoj sanjski dom, ne glede na to, ali razmišljate o investicijski izgradnji dvojčka ali čudoviti samostojni vili.
Zakaj izbrati to zemljišče?
Mirna okolica: Šentvid ponuja prijetno in mirno bivalno okolje, obdano z naravo, a hkrati v bližini vseh mestnih udobnosti. Uživajte v svežem zraku in zelenju, medtem ko ste le nekaj minut stran od glavne mestne upadnice.
Fleksibilnost pri gradnji: Parcela vam omogoča širok spekter možnosti – od modernega dvojčka do čudovite samostojne vile. Ustvarite si prostor, ki bo popolnoma prilagojen vašim potrebam in življenjskemu slogu.
Odlična dostopnost: Zemljišče je dobro povezano z javnim prevozom in Celovško cesto, kar vam omogoča enostaven dostop do centra Ljubljane, mestne obvoznice ter gorenjske avtoceste. Vse potrebne storitve, kot so šole, trgovine in zdravstveni dom, so v bližini.
Pogoj prodajalca je, da kupec ob sklenitvi pogodbe povrne del stroškov za posredovanje v višini 2% + DDV.
Za tlorise IDZ in dodatne informacije se obrnite na info@parknep.si ali 00386 31 000 909.
Are you looking for the ideal plot to realize your dreams of building a new home?
For sale is a beautiful building plot in a quiet area of Šentvid, Ljubljana, measuring 615 m². This is the perfect opportunity for anyone wishing to create their dream home, whether you are considering an investment in a duplex or a charming detached villa.
Why choose this property?
Peaceful Environment: Šentvid offers a pleasant and tranquil living environment, surrounded by nature while being close to all urban amenities. Enjoy fresh air and greenery, all just a few minutes away from the main urban routes.
Flexibility in Construction: The plot allows for a wide range of possibilities—from modern duplexes to beautiful detached villas. Create a space that is perfectly tailored to your needs and lifestyle.
Excellent Accessibility: The land is well connected to public transport and Celovška Road, providing easy access to the center of Ljubljana, the city ring road, and the Gorenjska motorway. All necessary services, such as schools, shops, and health centers, are nearby,
The seller's condition is that the buyer reimburses part of the brokerage costs upon signing the contract, amounting to 2% + VAT.
For floor plans and additional information, please contact info@parknep.si or +386 31 000 909.
Oprema nepremičnine
V bližini
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